Spring Cleaning Time!

  How often do you actually deep clean your beauty area? Not enough, right? Well, we want to share some of our favorite spring cleaning tips with you! Bust out your cleaning supplies and let’s get started!  Declutter Time  Take out all of your products from your drawers or cabinets and lay them all out where you can see them. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I forget I...



How often do you actually deep clean your beauty area? Not enough, right? Well, we want to share some of our favorite spring cleaning tips with you! Bust out your cleaning supplies and let’s get started! 

  • Declutter Time 

  • Take out all of your products from your drawers or cabinets and lay them all out where you can see them. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I forget I even have certain items because they’re tucked away in the back of my drawer! Being able to visually see which items you have will make it much easier to distinguish what you want to keep and what you don’t want to keep. Now, go through each product and decide whether or not you want to keep it, donate or toss it out! Decluttering is key with spring cleaning!

  • Expired Products

  • I think we all can be a little guilty of holding onto products a little too long but it actually can be very damaging to keep them around. Bacterial growth and skin irritation are only one of the many things that can happen when you keep using an expired product and nobody wants that! So don’t be afraid to toss out that old moisturizer that you haven’t used in 6 months, your skin will thank you! 

  • Clean Your Makeup Brushes

  • Cleaning your makeup brushes is so important and it should be done wayyy more often than just during spring cleaning. Used makeup brushes can hold so much bacteria that it can leave you with breakouts, can contaminate your makeup products and actually cause viral infections. Not only is a clean makeup brush better for your skin, but it will make your makeup blend out more easily! Now who doesn’t want a flawless finish?! 

  • Disinfect 

  • Whether you do your makeup at the bathroom sink or at your vanity, it’s always a good idea to disinfect and clean your area. Grab your go-to cleaning products and wipe down all surface areas and mirrors to get rid of any bacteria, old makeup or dirt build up. I promise you won’t regret it! 


    Happy Spring Cleaning! 🧼