8 Habits For a Healthy Summer

- Hey YENSA muses! As you know, YENSA is an Asian-American beauty brand that creates clean, high performance complexion cosmetics and skincare infused with Superfood Science and Asian Rituals for a diverse, modern world. Promoting living in the healthy way is very important to us and we always encourage our #yensamuses to do the same, so today we’re sharing 8 habits that you should get into for a healthy summer...

Hey YENSA muses! As you know, YENSA is an Asian-American beauty brand that creates clean, high performance complexion cosmetics and skincare infused with Superfood Science and Asian Rituals for a diverse, modern world. Promoting living in the healthy way is very important to us and we always encourage our #yensamuses to do the same, so today we’re sharing 8 habits that you should get into for a healthy summer this year! 
1.Drink Your H2O!
With the heat and high temperatures that come with the summertime, staying hydrated during this season is extremely important. Drinking water consistently throughout the day helps with energy levels, improved brain function and so much more! We recommend investing in a good refillable water bottle so that you can bring it anywhere you want! 
2.Get Your Body Moving
Making sure that we’re moving our bodies is essential when it comes to establishing healthy habits. Exercising regularly not only improves our physical appearance but it helps with feeling more energetic and relieving stress. Whether it’s a quick 10 minute walk around your neighborhood or a full on gym session, anything helps! 
3.Eat a Healthy Breakfast
A lot of people tend to always skip breakfast in the morning because they’re not hungry or too tired to eat. We’re here to remind you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Having a healthy breakfast gives you the energy that you need to start a productive day. Fruits, oatmeal, avocado toast or smoothies are some great options to start your morning with!
4.Enjoy The Outdoors
Spending time outdoors is one of the most relaxing things that we can do, especially in the summertime. Being outside lets you get your daily dose of Vitamin D and a breath of fresh air. Go on a hike, to the beach or even have a picnic at the park! You won’t regret it.
5.Protect Your Skin
The summertime comes with strong UV rays and making sure that we’re taking care of our skin is vital! Using sunscreen daily is crucial to keeping your skin healthy and protected.
Take some time out of your day to do things that you enjoy! Having a hobby that you enjoy can drastically improve your mental health and it’s a great opportunity to learn new skills. Whether it’s painting, photography or making TikToks, do what you enjoy and watch your mood improve! 
7.Limit Screen Time 
Social media definitely has its pros and cons but making sure that you’re limiting your screen time is very important. Reducing your screen time is not only beneficial for your mental health but staying off of it gives you more time in the day to do the things you love and enjoy!
The best way to stay healthy this summer is to RELAX! Give yourself time out of your busy summer days to just hangout and chill. Sometimes just giving yourself a break is exactly what you need. Watch some movies, pamper yourself with an “at home spa day” or whatever else helps you feel mellowed out and enjoy it!